Reputation Management &
Your Online
Reputation Can
Make Or Break You!
Everything you do or say these
days has the potential to end
up on the Internet. The world
of George Orwell's book 1984
is far more of a reality than
any of us care to admit.
However, it is possible to
control the way we are seen
on the Internet, at least to some extent, through online reputation
management (ORM). This involves monitoring what is said or seen
about a person, brand or company on the web, encouraging the
visibility of positive information, and suppressing any negatives.
Encouraging Positive and Reducing Negative
The Basics of Building a Good Reputation Online
As you go about building your reputation online, there are three
basic keys to remember:
Regularly post positive content. You need to make sure that
the information you want the world to see is the content most
visible on the Internet. Regularly publishing your own content
in a variety of places increases your visibility online and lets
people know who you are and what values or messages you
Keep your private information private. The best defense
against any future problems online is to keep private
information hidden from public eyes. Either don't post that
type of information online in the first place, or check your
privacy settings everywhere to make sure you are limiting who
can see your details.
Deal quickly with any negative information. If you do find that
there is something inappropriate, nasty, or unflattering about
you out on the web, you'll have to counteract it quickly. Don't
let a piece of negative content get entrenched into people's
minds or, even worse, go viral on the 'net.
Branding Yourself and Your Company
Branding has changed with the Internet and is
much more visible and accessible today. All
the more reason to take control of your
brand by implementing a pro-active brand
strategy. The other benefit is that this can
accelerate your SEO and Google Page Ranking.
This truly is a way to out perform your
competition. Act now and control your online
marketing destiny. Call now to start!
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